What is Divine WiFi?


Everyday thousands of people connect their phones, tablets and computers to the Internet, using the Wi-Fi available to connect around the world, and in not doing this you might feel lonely and separated from a fast changing world.


Connecting to the Divine Wifi silent network will make you feel supported, not by words, but by presence itself, and that starts when we begin to practice mindfulness every moment. We allow all our turbulent thoughts and emotions to settle quietly in a state of natural peace, accepting what is, so that a peaceful action can emerge from whatever situation we have to face in our daily life.


As my Tibetan Guru Yoga Nyoshul Khenpo Rinpoche said:


Rest in natural great peace this exhausted mind,

Beaten helpless by karma and neurotic thoughts

Like the relentless fury of the pounding waves

In the infinite ocean of samsara.

Rest in natural great peace.



We meditate together in nature or in winter, indoors, using the Divine WiFi ™ Meditation wireless presence method created by Atom Seven.

This technique uses an ancient seed mantra linked to the breathing, facilitating mindfulness practice and incorporation in daily life.


Divine WiFi aim is to expand the number of your moments of presence in your own life, creating a better world that needs more than ever a chance for Global Peace.


Returning to practice in group with the Divine Wifi Meditation Community again and again benefits not only the ones that come regularly but also spreads a wave of silent peaceful energy in the surroundings.